PRP Hair Loss Treatment

PRP Hair Loss Treatment

The Science Of PRP –

PRP Hair  Treatment in Indore

It has been seen that due to advancement in various technologies in the past several decades resulted in improving in diagnostic images and surgical treatments. If we talk about Platelet-rich plasma then it is a plasma which is necessarily required for growth factor and is derived from patient’s whole blood .In recent scientific research and technology a PRP is consider as an autologous medical procedure which is performed in offices of physicians for skin, scalp and hair stimulation.
PRP Hair Loss Treatment is a kind of therapy which involves restoration of hair for natural looks. It is based on the concept that the PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma ) is injected into scalp of patient then the growth factors automatically processed and natural hair growth restoration takes place.


How Does PRP work?

PRP Hair Loss Treatment in Indore

Although the increased concentration of growth factors in PRP is potentially speed up the healing process. There are many essential growth factors present in human blood like mesenchymal stem cell which supports in tissue generation. It is a effective hair loss treatment and in the special fields of plastic and cosmetic surgery ,sports, medicine and orthopedics. It is a state of art, non surgical and natural in the field of hair restoration in conjuction with some procedures of Hair Transplant In Indore. The various step involved in this are:-

  • A little amount of blood ( less than 50 ml) is obtain from the patient.
  • This blood contain PRP is isolated and activated with DNA activators rich in calcium ions.
  • For stimulated hair growth this activated PRP is injected into the area suffering from hair loss.

Benefits Of PRP

  • It is a simple and non surgical procedure
  • Pleasing and natural looking end results.
  • It involves very less recovery period.
  • This procedure lasting up to 60-90 min. approximately.
  • It produce reliable and safe result which is a innovative form of its own./li>
  • It lowers patients discomfort and enhances the healing process.
  • Formation of crust is reduces.


Who Should Not Have PRP Treatment ?

There are major side effects which have been found in PRP Hair Loss Treatment according to which it is not suitable for everyone. If the people is having history of consuming alcohol, smoking then they should not take PRP treatment . The people which is currently diagnosed with some treatments , are not eligible for getting PRP treatment.

The Various Treatments Are:

  • Metabolic Disorder
  • Systemic Disorder
  • Chronic Liver Disease
  • Cancer and Sepsis
  • Acute and Chronic Infections.
  • Platelet Dysfunction Syndromes
  • Hemodynamic Instability


Expected Results –

PRP Hair  Treatment in Indore

In India, Indore is having well qualified and experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeon .Hair loss is nowadays become an emotional problem for both men and women . Like anywhere else Hair Loss Treatment in Indore is providing well effective treatment for the people who are suffering from the premature hair loss and baldness. PRP is very successful and takes only couples of hours including preparation and recovery time so PRP Hair Treatment is functional in a mean that large number of people gain considerable relief after injection .

In summary PRP Treatment in Indore is providing best treatment for hair loss along with PRP Hair Loss Treatment which is less aggressive approach and its result will vary from patient to patient which can meet the patient’s desire. Marmm Klinik provides advanced techniques followed by the team of experienced surgeon and doctors and results achieved are similar to natural growth of hair .This makes the surgery minimal invasive helps them in desired output. Hence PRP is innovative method for quality hair restoration.

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